As back-to-school time sets in, personal finance becomes more
complicated for many families. Some have students away from home for the
first time, others have expenses for tuition, and of course the many
purchases associated with the start of school: backpacks, lunch bags,
clothes, books, dorm room furnishings, not to mention the tech gear –
phones, tablets, laptops, and don’t forget extra chargers.Banking and
finance apps can help make life easier when it comes to tracking family
finances and managing education expenses. When deciding on an app, look
for features that provide flexibility, security, and ease of use.
MovoCash is one example of a mobile finance company that offers a
variety of financial options as alternatives to traditional banking
services.Consider the ABCs of mobile finance:A is for App: Does the
mobile banking or finance company you are considering have a
user-friendly app that allows secure spend and send functions from your
phone? The free-to-download MOVO app offers FDIC-insured prepaid card
accounts that allow customers to instantly pay friends and make
purchases directly from their mobile phone.MOVO also offers MovoCoin, a
feature that allows users to create instant digital prepaid cards in
exact amounts for specific purchases. MovoCoin cards can be used for
many charges, including paying bills, placing food orders, purchasing
clothes, books, or other items online, or paying for ride-sharing
services.B is for Banking: Mobile banking can be used for all aspects of
financial management, including direct deposit and online bill paying,
without the need for a traditional bank account. Look for apps such as
the MOVO app that allow users to set up a direct deposit account to
manage incoming paychecks and outgoing payments easily and securely. And
timely payments help users avoid late fees and track expenses.C is for
Compare: There are many financial apps out there. Use notable review
websites such as Nerdwallet, The Balance and The Simple Dollar to help
you compare financial apps and digital prepaid cards. For example, for
families with students who are starting to manage their own finances, a
banking app with the option of a prepaid card provides another layer of
security and may help to prevent family friction associated with
overzealous student spending.For more information about MOVO’s full
range of financial solutions, visit